Human interaction management and Management effectiveness

Human Interaction Management (HIM) is a set of management principles, patterns and techniques complementary to Business process management. HIM provides process-based support for innovative, adaptive, collaborative human work and allows it to be integrated in a structured way with more routinized work processes that are often largely automated.

HIM has an associated methodology called Goal-Oriented Organization Design (GOOD). GOOD emphasizes effectiveness over efficiency, and combines various approaches:
• Top-down: "Process Architecture" defines business strategy via a network of interacting high-level processes;
• Middle-out: "Levels of Control" separate process governance into Strategic, Executive and Management;
• Bottom-up: "Stories" represent collaborative work processes that the participants evolve on-the-fly as part of the work itself.

In management, the ultimate measure of management's performance is the metric of management effectiveness which includes:
1. execution, or how well management's plans are carried out by members of the organization
2. leadership, or how effectively management communicates and translates the vision and strategy of the organization to the members
3. delegation, or how well management gives assignments and communicates instructions to members of the organization
4. return on investment, or how well management utilizes the resources (financial, physical, and human) of the organization to bring an acceptable return to shareholders
5. conflict management, or how well management is able to utilize confrontation and collaboration skills; management's ability to be flexible and appeal to common interests.
6. motivation, how management attempts to understand the needs of others and inspires them to perform. Motivation focuses on how performance is rewarded rather than how failure is punished.
7. consideration, or how well managers seek to understand and appreciate others' values; and not merely as a means to a business goal.
Source : Wikipedia


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