Monopoly and Price Discrimination

Monopoly is a form market where just exist a firm just, and that firm result goods that has no replacement parts that a stone's throw.

Market marking monopolizes is:
1. Monopolistic market is an industry one firm
2. Don't have kindred replacement parts
3. Have no possible for turns in at industry
4. Can regard price pixing
5. Needful subtracted promotion

Factor that evoke to monopolize:
1. Have an unique given resource and not proprietary other firm.
2. Monopolistic firm in a general way gets to enjoy economy scale until goes to production zoom that highly.
3. Monopolize form and amends via statute, which is government member right for monopoly to firm.

Monopoly can have two chance sell its product into two markets which is market in countries and abroad markets. Both of market it has character that variably, therefore to maximize firm gain monopolizes to get carry on price discrimination policy. Price discrimination requisites:
1. Irremovable goods of one market goes to other market.
2. Goods or service character enables to be done price discrimination.
3. Bespoke character and requisition elasticity at their market has a long cry.
4. Price discrimination policy not costs money that overshot fringe benefit of that policy.

Producer can exploit severally attitude is irrational consumer.


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